On November 6th, the popular messaging service WhatsApp had two updates: one was server side and the other was an actual app update. Although bugs and fixes were listed in the changelog, as it turns out much was included than previously thought.
WhatsApp now included detailed 'seen' and 'read' information for messages you sent to either individuals or groups. In fact, for groups it will show who read the message and at what time, alongside who has not yet read your message (but the time it was delivered to them).
The last update, which was a week earlier than this one, brought support for higher resolution screens, the ability to crop and edit photos, and the ability to archive conversations.
This update brings the version number up to 2.11.596.0.
The server side of WhatsApp has been tweaked to make the double checks blue for when someone reads your messages.
It's worth mentioning that some users are still not seeing blue checks when someone reads their message. This is because the other user has not updated it's WhatsApp to the latest version. Although, double blue checks are from the server side, users still need to update their app.
If you are not seeing the double blue checks, ask your friend to update their app.
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